Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Another look at the National Debt

Not a bad way of looking at the acceleration of our debt.

I disagree with this guy for saying he was comfortable with Bush's 64 mph but afraid of Obama's 170. Bush's pace of debt growth had us on track for a complete economic collapse (I'm not talking about the minor recession we're having right now; I'm talking about the looming debt melt down that will make our current troubles look like a hiccup).

Yes, Obama will get us to our date with disaster rather more quickly. I don't find a lot of cause for Republican gloating here, though.

One thing the video does not show is the magnitude of the debt problem, or how it threatens to destroy the US economy and any hope of prosperity for future generations. For a more complete analysis of our looming debt problems, check out the IOUSA web movie (link to the right).

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